
发布时间:2014-08-13 01:10:11   来源:文档文库   










2、重点:(读句子) 读懂主题和重点,就相当于读懂一篇文章了! 因此,阅读理解=抓主题+找重点!


1 句子

a) “三长两短一并列”

i. 在阅读中:

1. 精读各段首末句(读懂主题)

2. 精读由题干关键词定位到的重点信息句(读懂重点)

ii. 在完型中:


b) “组件分析三步法” c) 作业:彻底读懂(消化)120篇文章 i. 黑笔:画括号、方框、三角 ii. 红笔:圈“挂钩单词” iii. 橙色荧光:固定搭配()() iv. 绿色荧光:生词



a) 分析句子的功能:

i. BBackground 背景

ii. TTopic 主题

iii. EExplanation 解释

iv. E: Example例子

v. C: Conclusion 总结

b) “结构化”阅读法:


最高目标:标出各句话的功能(BTEEC 【注】

主题:某句、某段、某文章所指向的对象 主旨:对于主题的描述

3 篇章

a) 记叙文:关注“时间词”;“议论句”;”心情句


b) 说明文:关注各段主题句 i. 从不同方面说明一个事物 ii. 从不同阶段说明一个事物

c) 社会科学类:

i. 社会现象/社会问题(负态度):

个别 一般 分析原因 建议措施 总结展望

ii. 社会生活片段:各段主题句

1. 明确主题:

2. 明确态度:(正态度)

d) 自然科学类:

i. 【自然现象】 假说(理论) 实验 结论

ii. 【科学实验】研究对象 研究过程 实验结论

e) 应用文(广告):找!

4 题型

a) 主旨题

i. main idea; purpose; title

ii. “先主题,后主旨”

iii. “假设法”:假设主旨是该选项,反推原文是否应当这样写;

iv. “论点论据分析法”:四个选项中,总有两个选项比较抽象(论点);另外两个选项比较具体(论据);此时,优先排除具体选项,再选择这两个具体选项所支持的抽象选项。

v. 读:首段首句、首段尾句、每段首句、尾段尾句。

b) 细节题:找+读懂一句 i.


1. 人名、地名、数字、年代、时间、日期、大写;

2. 核心名词;核心动词;形容词副词的比较级或最高级

ii. 主题一致原则(对号入座)

1. 利用题干主题和段落主题的对应关系,判断该题应该在哪一段。

2. “先主题,后细节”:正确选项应与段落及篇章主题契合。

3. 答题时,一般跨越段落寻找答案。

iii. 顺序一致原则:

1. 题目的先后顺序和对应的有效信息在原文中的顺序是基本一致的

2. 当文章段落特别多的时候,可能有例外。

iv. 同义替换原则:

1. 题干关键词或正确选项是原文句子的“同义替换”。

2. 纯技巧:当句子读不懂时,选择跟原文信息“同义替换”的选项。

5 选项 a) 正确选项:符合主题、同义替换 b) 错误选项:


1) 以偏概全:主旨题

2) 偷换概念:原文中的A事物和选项中的A事物含义不同。(含有数字的选项) a) 张冠李戴:将文中两事物的属性搞混; b) 正反混淆:将原文含义颠倒黑白。

c) 无中生有:选项含有与原文无关的内容(名、形、动、副)。

3) 移花接木:跨段落设置干扰选项。

4) 答非所问+照抄原文*:以原文某句话直接作答,但该句话无法回答所问的问题。

5) 语法变异:

a) “修饰词程度”变异; b) “比较关系”变异; c) “时态”变异;

6) 逻辑变异: a) 因果倒置 b) 过度推断 c) 绝对化(不合常识)

7) 与主题不符:



Step1:用“点面结合法”读文章,了解各段主题; 首段首句,首段尾句,每段首句,尾段尾句。 --如果首句之后有But;要看but之后的内容 --如果首句之后有because;要看because之后的内容 --如果有“自问自答”处,问题给主题,答语给主旨 注:主要看名词,因为“核心名词 = 文章主题”。



2、核心名词、核心动词、形容词副词的比较级和最高级 技巧:“顺序一致原则”、同义替换原则








2005 年湖北卷】 (in fact, in my opinion, for one reason, so, for another reason, therefore)

I'm very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. I've been think-ing about the question you asked me. __________, You should come back after you finish your studies abroad. __________, what you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China. It will be quite easy for you to find a good job. ___________, I know a few big companies in our city are hoping to hire people like you. ____________, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents as they are getting old. I think it's a good idea for you to return. _______________, what are you waiting for? 答案:In my opinion, For one reason, In fact, For another reason, Therefore, So

2005 年福建卷】 (in my opinion, it is known to us all, what s more, on the other hand, so, but, instead of )

My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

___________that some students cheat in examinations at school.As students, we often take examinations at school._________, sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. _________, some of us are lazy and don’ t work hard at our lessons. ___________, when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

_________, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard __________ cheating in examinations._________ ,we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.

答案:It s known to us all, but, On the other hand, So, In my opinion, instead of, What's more 点评:这里的on the other hand有点不地道,anyway,这就是中国高考!

2006 年福建卷】 (as we all know, only in this way, surely, therefore, in my opinion, however, as well as, besides)

__________, we are what we eat.__________, it’ s very important for us to form healthy eating habits.

__________, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; some others are particular about food; and still some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will __________do harm to our health.

To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit______ main food. ________, we'd better have meals regularly.

_____________ , we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body.___________ can we have enough energy to study better.

答案:As we all know, Therefore, However, surely, as well as, Besides, In my opinion, Only in this way


