立足外企必备的11个条件Working In MNC

发布时间:2012-07-31 09:07:50   来源:文档文库   

Key Requirements On Working In MNCs

From magazine

When young people in China are asked about their ideal job, many say that working for the government is the ultimate dream, an adequate salary, stability, job security, good insurance and a good pension, not too much work pressure.

But working for a multi-national company, or MNC, is also very attractive…Imagine: foreign colleagues, communicating in English, getting good training, working with international clients, being involved in international projects, taking steps towards a middle management position… It is enticing诱人的 prospect.

So what is required to make it in the competitive world of MNCs?

1. Very Good English

Everyone knows that English is the international language. If you knock on the door at Microsoft, or Shell, or any other MNC, god English speaking skill are a sine qua non(necessary), in other words a must. If you want to be different and stand out, you should improve your writing skills. Good English writing skills are much rarer and a definite advantage to you in terms of getting a job and getting promoted.

2. Sense of Responsibility

Bosses everywhere want staffs that have a proactive(前摄的) attitude to their work. Bosses want results. They need people who can take initiatives, people who have good judgment, people who know when a problem is serious and can take steps to solve it fast.

3. Know the Team Priorities

Your boss wants to be sure that you are aware, at all times, of what the priorities are for your team and how you can contribute. Take a moment to review them with your team leader each week. Think about what initiative(主动,倡议) you can take to help advance those priorities.

4. Learn About Foreign Cultures

Business meetings run by foreigners are different to meetings run by Chinese people. Why? The reason is that expectations about how the meeting should proceed are different. Expectations are rooted in culture. Westerners often feel that Chinese people do not speak up enough in meetings. If you spent the first ten years of your life in China, then you have Chinese “culture software”. Other people have different software, you have to get used to it, adapt to it.

5. Relationships With Westerners Are not the Same

In general, westerners have a less complicated, less layered approach to relationships than Chinese people who are raised in a complex web of relationships and obligations(义务,责任). If you are dealing with people from a “task-oriented” culture, like USA or Germany, concentrate on the work, don’t try too hard to become good friends! And don’t worry about your foreign colleagues not being able to find the local ”味多美”. They can survive! They like being independent, they are used to it. They would never have it to China if they didn’t have some experience of travel.

6. Avoid Gossip

To some extent(某种程度上), gossip is unavoidable in a company but it is far too prevalent(普遍,盛行) in China where the relationship network is so important. Gossip can have very deleterious(有害的) effects, leading to ruptured(破裂的) relationships and dismissal(解雇开除). Be prudent(审慎的). Save the gossip for when you are having a delicious cappuccino with your best friends, but don’t gossip in the office!

7. Learn New Skills and New Knowledge

Business moves on every day in this fast-paced world. We all need to learn new skills and update and expand our knowledge. Learn to drive. Learn Photoshop. Read a book in English about cultural differences or a novel. Keep in touch with what is happening in the news. You need social skills too. Practice your singing for the company karaoke(卡拉ok) session(开会).

8. Dress and Appearance

For women, light make-up打扮化妆, clean hair, suitable shoes, simple, clean clothes. Don’t dress too sexy. For gentlemen, the same rules apply, but you can dispense(摒弃省掉) with the make-up! Make sure your glasses are clean too. (在着装得体的同时,佩戴眼镜的人千万不要忽视眼睛的整洁度。眼镜金属边框明显褪色,镜片脏污,或遍布划痕都是职场大忌)

9. Punctuality

Your western manager will notice what time you come to work in the morning. Punctuality is appreciated, particularly by managers from more Task-Oriented and Sequential(秩序) culture, like US or Germany.(秩序文化有别于中国的 同步synchronous 文化)

10. Politeness

Make sure you use expressions like Please and Could You Help…? when dealing with colleagues, particularly foreign colleagues.

11. Stay Fit, Healthy and Optimistic

Stephen Covey used the expressionSharpen the saw” in his bestseller The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. What he meant was, look after your health, the Saw you use to get things done. Ours is a stressful world and you have to have a way of dealing with it. Take out a subscription at the gym or find a yoga(瑜伽) class. Learn to swim. If you are physically fit, you will have more energy, you will look great and your work performance will be better. Most important of all. by staying healthy and optimistic you are taking care of your own future, and the future of your family.


《立足外企必备的11个条件Working In MNC.doc》
