
发布时间:2020-02-01 21:33:44   来源:文档文库   


Dear ____________________________________________________________

As a result of the disciplinary interview (day, date) I have decided that the appropriate course of action is to issue you with this first / final (delete as appropriate) formal written warning.

Nature of Grievance

Code No._____

After looking at the evidence and considering the views and circumstances expressed by yourself in the meeting it is clear that (……)

This is not acceptable to EF on the grounds that (……)

As discussed, the required action will be as follows:




Should this behaviour occur again, it may be necessary to issue you with a final warning / activate dismissal proceedings (delete as appropriate).

I sincerely hope that this is the end of the matter and I will be happy to provide you with any support and guidance you feel you need in the future.

(Name,Title of Appeals Arbitrator in case of an appeal) has been notified of my decision. If you feel that the interview and/or the issuing of this written warning has been conducted/issued without due care and fairness, you have the right to appeal. In this case, please refer to the necessary section of the EF disciplinary procedure in the company document entitled Guidelines and Rules of Employee Conduct.

Signed:________________________________ Dated:___________________


Signed:________________________________ Dated:___________________

(Interviewee – to confirm receipt)


