
发布时间:2020-04-01 01:22:07   来源:文档文库   

模块三 Unit 1

1. observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人(正在)做某事

2. observe sb. do sth./be observed to do sth. 注意/被注意到某人做某事

3. in sight /out of sight在视线内 /

4. at the sight of 一看见

5. catch sight of 发现 42. rather than 宁可,而不是

6. make (no) sense 有(没有)意义

7. make sense of 理解

8. come to one’s senses/oneself 苏醒过来

9. glance at 瞥一眼,扫一眼

10. glare at 怒目而视

11. stare at 盯着看,凝视 43. other than 除了之外

12. step out into the fog 走进雾里

13. be related to /be linked to/be connected with/be associated with有联系/有关系

14. It’s likely+ that 从句= sb/sth be likely to do 某人很有可能做某事

15. in the distance 在远处 44. set about doing sth./set out to do sth. 开始着手做某事

16. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

17. set off /set out出发,动身 45. get on a lifeboat 上救生艇

18. stare up at 抬头凝视 46. enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事

19. be frozen with…而吓(惊)呆

20. can’t help doing sth. 忍不住/禁不住做某事

21. wish for 盼望,企盼 47. watch out for /look out for 小心

22. reach out for sth. 伸出(手) 48. freezing cold 冰冷,极冷

23. make the most of 充分利用 49. personally /in person

24. ring out (铃声,枪声等)突然响起

25. feed on…为食 live on 为生

26. that/this far=so far 那么远

27. find sb./oneself doing sth. 发现正在做什么

28. a fresh wound 新伤 50. be ignorant of 一无所知

29. sense/realize that…意识到

30. hold sb./oneself still 使某人不动

31. make great achievements 取得巨大成就

32. one another 互相,彼此

33. have sth./nothing in common /没有共同之处

in common 共同,共有

34. weather forecast 天气预报

35. later on 后来,以后 51. bang into (不小心)撞着某物

36. have high blood pressure 高血压

37. all of a sudden 突然

38. fall asleep 入睡

39. go hungry 饿了

40. for fear of sth/doing /that 唯恐,以免

41. in fear of 害怕

模块三 Unit 2

1. be made up of/consist of /be composed of由…组成/构成

2. official language 官方语言

3. contribute to sth. 是…成因之一,有助于…,捐献,投稿

4. depend on/upon 视…而定,取决于,依赖于

5. That/It (all) depends. 那得视情况而定。

6. make a promise 许诺 keep ones promise/word 遵守诺言

break ones promise/word 违背诺言

7. have access to sth. 有接近或使用…的权利

8. racial discrimination 种族歧视

9. differ from 和…不同,不同于

10. differ in 在…方面不同

11. in the direction of 朝着…方向

12. in all directions 四面八方

13. mixwith 使(人/物)与…结合,使调和

14. pick up 好转,改善;重新开始,继续;偶然学会;得,染(疾病);廉价购买;接收

15. pick ones pocket 扒某人的口袋 pickpocket 扒手

16. take control of 控制/管理

17. look up (在字典或参考书中)查找

18. care about 关注,关心,担心 42. in the 1950s=in the 1950s 20世纪50年代

19. have an impact on 对…有强烈的冲击/影响

20. result in /lead to/bring about 导致 43. bring sth.with sb. 随身携带

21. as a whole 作为整体的,就整体来看的

22. official occasions正式场合

23. upper class 上层社会 44. in that 在于,原因是,因为

24. the latter half of the 14th century 14世纪后半期

25. at this point 在此期间 45. throughout history 贯穿历史

26. on the point of doing sth. 就要做…的时候

27. have a word with sb.= speak to sb.

28. throw away=discard 丢弃

29. set a standard 制定一个标准

30. at one time 曾经,一度

31. in a word 总而言之 46. there is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事

32. simplified Chinese characters 简化汉字

33. undergo huge changes 经历巨大变化

34. raise animals 饲养动物 47. life up 拿起,举起

35. be replaced by/with sth. 由…取代…

36. replace sth. with/by sth. 用…取代… 48. raise money for 为…筹款

37. develop frominto从…发展为…

38. stand for 代表,象征 49. mother tongue 母语

39. in place of sb./in ones place/take ones place/take the place of sb. 代替某人

40. Its certain that …是确实的

41. sign language 手势语 50. take my concerns into consideration=think about

模块三 Unit 3

1. take over 占领,接管

2. in return for作为对…的回报

3. in ruins 荒芜的,废墟 42. be in use/put…into use 使用中/把…投入使用

4. in good/poor condition 处于良好的/不好的状态

5. on condition (that)倘若,在…条件下

6. on no condition 决不,一点也不

7. be concerned about/for 担忧

8. be concerned with 与…有关,涉及…

9. as concerns 关于 43. set sail for 扬帆,启程去…

10. keep a diary 写日记 44. no more 不再

11. keep an eye on 注意,看守

12. take an examination 参加考试

13. preventfrom阻止 45. it remains to be done/said/seen 留待以后去做/去说/去看

14. point out 指出,使注意

15. focus on 焦点对准;(把光线)集中于…;集中(注意)于…上

16. carry out 实行,实施 46. to make matters worse 更槽糕的是

17. in memory of 为纪念…

18. be responsible for /take responsibility for 有责任的,对…负责

19. turn to 变成;(把书页)翻到;转向;求助于

20. lost civilizations 失落的文明

21. this small, wealthy commercial city 这个富裕的商业小城

22. a stopping point 停顿点 47. or rather准确的说

23. pour out of 从…中涌出 48. on board 在船上(飞机上或火车上);上船(飞机或火车)

24. house many of the treasures 收藏很多财宝

25. cause / do much damage to sth. 造成很大损失

26. leave out 省略,遗漏

27. make an action plan 制定行动计划

28. back to the past 回到过去

29. be off to去…地方

30. be buried alive 被活埋

31. bury oneself in/be buried in sth./doing sth. 专心于…

32. arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事

33. go on a cultural expedition 进行文化考察/探险

34. the Silk Road 丝绸之路

35. a saying goes that/ there is a saying that goes俗话说

36. drive sb. crazy/mad 让某人发疯

37. go through 通过,经历,遭受

38. Pearl Harbor 珍珠港

39. cultural heritage 文化遗产

40. imagine sb./sbs doing 想象某人干某事

41. give/ deliver a speech 发表演讲

42. be located in 位于

模块四 Unit 1:
1.in order to=so as to(用在句中) 为了
2.be particular about ……挑剔
3.hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
4.at one’s service 听候某人吩咐,为某人服务
5.persuade sb. into doing/to do sth. 说服某人做某事
persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事,强调结果
6.cure sb. a disease 治愈某人的病
cure … of … 治愈……
7.introduce…to… ……作介绍
8.have sth. in mind ……记住
9.agree with sb. on sth. 在某事上同意某人的意见
10.be of good/high quality 高质量
11.make an announcement 宣布
12.No comments 不加评论,无可奉告
13.market leader 领头羊
14.agree on 达成共识
15.give me a hand 帮助
16.under the leadership of our Party 在党的领导下
17.on the contrary 相反
18.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物/共用某物
share (in) sth. 分享,分担
share sth.(out) among/between ……之间分配某物
share out 分配,合用
19.fight for freedom 为自由而战
fight for (事业,自由,真理,权利等)斗争(战斗)
fight with 接表示人或国家的名词,意为……战斗(斗争)”
拓展:在含fight against的句子里出现with,这时还表示……一起战斗”. 
fight against 接人,国家名词时,意为()……斗争,战斗” 
20.used to be 过去曾经是
There used to be 曾经有
21.do some research on=make some research about ……进行调查
22.believe in 信任,信赖(人的品格,作风,为人),信奉(宗教,神等)
23.pay a visit 访问
pay off 还清,成功
pay back 报复
24.give place to 让位给
in the first place 首先
in place 适当的在原处

out of place 不合适的
25.mean to do sth.=intend to do sth./doing sth. 打算做……
mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
mean doing sth. 意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)
be meant to do sth. 得做某事,必须做某事
be meant for 打算给予,打算作……
26.make a claim for ……提出要求
claim sth./to do sth./that clause 宣称,声称
27.serve in the army 参军,服役
28.a variety of 多种的
29.reach an understanding 达成理解
30.make an earnest request 恳求,呼吁
31.intend to 意欲,意旨,存心
be intended to do/for sth. 有计划做……,故意做……
intend sth./sb. for (as) 打算做某事/某人用作/成为
32.fall behind 落后
fall off ……落下
fall down 倒下
33.live one’s dream 实现梦想
34.go up by 5 percent 5%比例上涨
35.devote oneself to doing sth. 下定决心做……
devote … to … ……奉献给……
拓展:own … to … 应该把……归功于……
contribute to ……作出贡献;(时间)投入
36.set up in 建成
37.magnificent structures 宏伟的建筑
38.arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事
39.poor out of ……喷出
40.the surrounding country 周围的乡村
41.cause much damage 造成很大损失
42.a stopping point 歇脚点
43.get a close look at 仔细看
44.run through 流经
45.feel lucky to have a place 有幸赢得一个名额
46.have access to 能够进入
47.be similar in sth. ……方面相似()
look similar to 看起来与……相似/
48.protect sb./sth. from (against) sth. 保护某人/某物不受某物的伤害
49.become aware of 发觉,开始意识到
50.connect sth. (up) to sth. 把某物连到某物上
connect sth. (up) with sth. 把某物与某物连起来
connect sb. (with sb. / sth.) 使某人(与某人/某事)有联系,使有关系
be connected (up) with ……有关系
51.deal with sth. 处理,对付,应付,论述;涉及
deal with sb. 对待,对付某人
a fair/square deal 公平交易
a ram/rough deal 不公平交易
52.commit a mistake(error) 犯错误
commit murder 凶杀
commit a child to the care of a nursery 把孩子托给托儿所
commit a matter to a committee 把一件事提交委员会(讨论)
commit sb. to prison (hospital) 把某人送进监狱(医院)
commit sb. to five years’imprisonment 判处某人五年徒刑
53.present sth. to sb. 将某事物提请某人考虑
at present 现在,目前
for the present 目前,暂时
up to the present 直到现在,至今
present sb. with sth./present sth. to sb. 赠送某人某物
be present at a meeting 出席会议
54.consider … to be 看作
55.appeal to 借助,诉诸,投合……的心意,引起……的兴趣

appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力
appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁
appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事
56.apply for 请求,申请
57.get across 被传达,被理解,使(通过),(……)讲清楚
get… across 使……被理解,传达
58.get away 逃跑
get through 完成
get in 收割
get down (……)下来;下车;写下;咽下,吞下
get over 越过(墙等),克服(困难;偏见等)
get around 规避,回避(法律,规章等);(尤指病后)走动;旅行;(消息,谣言等)传开来
59.come up with 赶上;提出,想出
60.advise sb. of sth. 通知/某人某事
61.drink deep 痛饮
62.attach to 认为有(重要性等);……归于
63.give out 分发,发出(气味,热等)
give in 屈服,让步
give away 送掉,分发(奖品等)
64.give sb. advice on … 给某人关于……的建议
65.reduce … to … ……陷入到某种状态
66.make the most of ability 尽全力
67.be ignorant of/about ……不了解
68.standard habits 标准的习惯(种族习惯)
69.let alone 更不用说
70.catch sb. doing sth. 看见……正在做
" Unit 2:
1.be delighted to do sth. 高兴地做某事
be delighted that … 高兴于……
take delight in ……为乐
2.do sth. an honour ……表示敬意
do honour to sb.=do sb. honour 成为……的荣幸,礼遇某人
be honour for/as… 因为/作为……受到尊敬
honour sb.(with sth.) 尊敬某人
have the honour to do/of doing sth. 有做……的宠幸,有幸做某事
in honour of 纪念,向……表示敬意
3.come to one’s attention 成为某人注意的对象
attract/catch/draw/get one’s attention 吸引某人注意
focus/fix one’s attention on/upon 专心于
devote one’s attention to 专心于
turn one’s attention to 将注意力转向
hold one’s attention on 将某人的注意力集中于
4.break the world record 打破世界记录
set/establish a record 创造/建立记录
hold/keep a record 保持记录
beat/cut/break a record 打破一项记录
make a record 录制唱片
keep a record of sth. 保持……的记录
a record holder 记录保持者
5.be absent from 缺席 
6.follow one’s train of thoughts 随着某人的思绪
7.at the opening ceremony 在开幕式上 
8.group…into different categories 按不同类别分类
9.play leading roles in 起主导作用
play the leading role 起主导作用, 起带头作用
play an important role in ……中起重要作用,……中扮演一个重要的角色
play the role of the captain 扮演队长的角色
play the part…in… 在某方面起……的作用
10.daily routine 日常工作,日常安排
11.every four years 每四年,每隔三年
(1) every other+单数名词 每隔一……
eg: every other day 每隔一天
every other tree 每隔一棵树
(2) every +基数词+复数名词/every +序数词+单数名词 每隔……
eg: every three days=every third day 每隔两天(或译为每三天)
every two days=every other day 每隔一天(或译为每两天)
(3) every few +复数名词 每隔几……
eg: every few days 每隔几天
12.side by side/should by should 一起,共同,肩并肩
shoulder to shoulder 并肩地,齐心协力地
拓展:hand in hand 手拉手地
nose to nose/face to face 面对面地
13.be recognized as 被认为是
consider…as… 认为…………
14.set an example to 树立榜样
15.maintain a balance 保持平衡
16.be involved in 涉及
get involved 投入
17.meet requirements 满足需求
18.compete with/against sb. for sth. 于某人竞争而获得某物 
compete for 竞争,争夺……
compete with ……匹敌,……不相上下
compete in … 参加……的比赛
19.be relevant to=(be) related to ……有关
20.go outdoors 户外旅行
21.make an attempt to do sth. 
=make one’s attempt to do sth. 尝试做……
attempt sth. 尝试……
attempt to do sth.=try to do sth. 尝试做某事(不一定获得成功)
manage to do sth. 设法做某事(往往获得了成功)
22.separate … from … 指将一个整体的物品分开或两个靠近的物品分开
divide …into … 指把人或物分成若干等份
23.beyond control 无法掌握,无法控制
in control of sth. 管理
in the control of sb. ……控制/管理
lose control of 无法控制,……失去控制
out of control 不受控制,失去控制
take control/charge of 控制,管理
keep/bring/get … under control 使……处于控制之下
24.under attack 遭受袭击
under discussion 在讨论中 
under repair 在修理中
under construction 在建设中
under consideration 在考虑中
25.make way for 让路
all the way 一路上,一直
by the way 顺便说一声
be way of 经过
find one’s way 找到路,设法到达
in no way=in no case 决不
in the one’s way 挡路 
lead the way 领路,带路
lose one’s way 迷路
no way 没门,不行
on the/one’s way 在途中,渐趋于
under way (船只)航行中
26.refer to 涉及
set to 开始
27.get it ready 使某人为某事做好准备
28.enter into+抽象名词 表示进入某种状态,意为进入,参加
29.well-paid 得到优厚报酬的,有高薪的
well-founded 基础牢故的;有充分事实根据的
well-informed 博学的,消息灵通的
well-fed 营养充足的,吃得好的;胖胖的 
well-done 干得好的,做得出色的
well-worn (衣服等)用旧的,磨损不堪的
well-known 著名的,闻名的 
30.put together ……放在一起;……加起来;使构成整体;组合;装配
put together a dictionary 编成一部字典
put one’s thoughts/ideas together 整理思路
put an machine together 把机器装配起来
put up 举起,建造,搭起
put up with 忍受
31.look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望/欣然期待某事物/做某事
32.natural resources 自然资源
resource of labour force 劳动力资源
33.require sth. 需要某事物
require doing 需要()……
require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事
require that + 主语 + (should) + 谓语(原形) + 其他成分
34.advanced techniques 先进的技术
farming technique 农业技术
35.be of use=be useful 有用的
be of + 抽象名词 = be + 相应的形容词
be of value=be valuable 有价值的
be of importance=be important 重要的 
be of significance=be be of significant 有意义的,意义重大的
be of help=be helpful 有帮助的
36.break down 出故障;分解;跨掉;捣毁;失败
break out 爆发;逃脱;突然出现
break in 闯入;侵占
break up 拆散;打碎;驱散;颓丧
37.but for 要不是
38.on top of 加之,更糟糕的是
39.no later than ……之前
40.think out 想出
think of 考虑
think back 反思
think about 回想
" Unit 3:
1.be accused of 被控告犯有……
2.the viewer’s senses 观众的感觉
3.a character in an interactive film set 交互电影中的角色
4.go on a virtual trip to 虚拟旅行
5.developments in science and technology 科技方面的发展
6.a feeling of happiness 幸福感
7.a world of 3D animation 立体动画世界
8.move round inside the film 在电影中四处移动
9.the sense of touch 触摸感
10.deliver into 送进
deliver sb. from sth. …………解救出来
deliver sth. to/over sb. 把某物交付某人
deliver a speech 发表讲话
deliver a message 带个口信,传话
deliver oneself of an opinion 发表意见
deliver over (up) (to) 移交,交给
be delivered of sb. (小孩)
11.score the winning goal 得到制胜分
12.send sb. on a trip to 送某人去旅行
13.bring history alive 历史再现
14.leave sb. with a deep impression 给某人留下深刻印象
make a … impression 留下……的印象
be impressed on ……记住
15.take the risk of ……危险
risk doing sth. ……的风险
at the risk of doing sth. ……的危险
16.make a profit/money 获取利润/赚钱
17.win the admiration of 赢得……的敬佩
18.gather information from the Web 从网页上收集信息
19.the latest wave of new technology 最新技术浪潮
20.complete studies into natural plastic 把研究的东西制成天然塑料
21.write computer code 写计算机编码
22.go bankrupt 破产
23.take sb. on the journey to 带某人一起去旅行
24.at a speed of … kilometers per second 以每秒……公里的速度
25.teach oneself sth. 自学……
26.a sense of achievement 成功感
27.sign one’s name for ……签名
28.invest in 投资于
29.voice one’s opinions 表达某人的看法
30.have letters missing 使得字母丢失
31.be trapped in 被困在……
32.end in failure 以失败告终
33.force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做
34.be set in ……为背景
set a stage 为舞台布景
35.pass on … to … ……传给
pass the exam 通过考试
pass a law 通过法律
pass away 死亡,(时间等)消逝,(不安等)消失,(习惯等)革除,(时间)
pass by 通过(……的旁边),忽视,避开
pass down ……传给后世
pass off 消逝
pass through 穿过,经历
拓展:pass on
1).=pass away (委婉)死去,逝世,去世
2).=hand on ……()下去
36.add … to … ……增加
add to 增加了
add A and B/add A to B AB相加
37.offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.
supply sb. with. Sth.=supply sth. to sb. 
provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. with sth. 供给某人某物
38.get into an argument with… ……争论起来
put forward an argument 提出论点
It is beyond argument that… ……是无可争辩的
argue with sb. about sth. 就某事与某人争论
argue against 为反对某事而争论
argue for the right 为正义而争论
39.put … together 把某物结合成一个整体,装配或修配某物
put aside 放在一旁,存储
put back 放回,送回,拨回(钟表)的针
put forward 向前移,提出,拨快(钟表)
put off 延期
put out 熄灭
put up 举起,建造
put up with 忍受
put down 写下来,记下来,放下
put on 穿上,放上,盖上
put away 收拾,处理
40.base … on/upon 建立于……之上,……为根据
41.come across=meet by chance 偶遇
come over 走过来
come out (书被)出版,(消息,秘密)被传出,结果是
come about 发生,出现,造成
come down 下跌//,传下来,坍塌,着陆
come into 开始……
come along 一到来,赶快
come to 达到,苏醒,合计,总共是
come up 走近,被提出(讨论)
come back 回来,会想起,东山再起,再度流行
come into being/existence 开始存在,建立
come into power 开始执政
come near 不亚于,差一点就
come off 脱落
come to light 被发现,被大家知道
come before 被提交给某人进行讨论,作出决定或判决;……更重要
come between 干预,离间,妨碍
come by 得到,偶然获得
come forward 站出来;自告奋勇;挺身而出
come along 进展,进步;(尤指健康)好转
come at sb. 攻击某人
come through (消息)传来
42.beyond imagination 出乎意料
have a good/bad imagination 想象力好()
enrich one’s imagination 丰富某人的想像力
43.upon my word 我发誓
depend upon it 没错
44.be out of one’s senses 神智不清
come to one’s senses 神智恢复正常
common sense 常识
in a sense 在某种意义上
there’s no sense in doing sth. (做某事)没有道理
a sense of honor/ humor / justice 荣誉/幽默/正义感
45.be connected to ……相连接
be connected with ……有联系的,……有关
connect A with (to) B=join A to B 指两物有形的连接
connect with 相连,衔接
A be connected with B AB有联系
46.all… except one “所有的……中只有一个除外”,语气偏重在one
all… but one “除一个以外其他都……” 语气偏重在all
47.set down 记下,写下
set foot in/on 踏进/踏上
set the table 摆桌子
set up 建立组织,国家,政权等
set out to do sth. 开始做某事
set off 出发,使(地雷,炸弹等)爆炸
set sb. off doing sth. 使某人开始干某事
set about sth./doing sth. 开始做某事,着手干某事
set aside 留出,不顾,取消,驳回,存储
注意:set up a night school/an organization/a telephone line/a small lab/home/a new record
48.the accused 被告
be under an accusation 被控告
49.build a house/bridge/road/railway/hospital/school/factory/lab/ship/machine/ fence/garage
build socialism/friendship/one’s country/(up) one’s body (health)/up a good business
注意:build sb. sth./build sth. for sb. 给某人建造某物
build China into a powerful country 把中国建设成一个强大国家
be built of wood/bricks 用木头/砖建成
50.found a school/a country/a party/a theory 
51.put up a tent/a factory/a new school 搭起帐篷/建起工厂/建起一所新学校
52.form a company 创办公司
form a society 成立协会
53.generally speaking 一般来说
54.give out 用尽,耗尽
put out 扔掉,熄灭
55.hold up 支撑
use up 用尽
56.get + 过去分词 除表示被动意义,还可表示自身做某事
:get charged 更衣
get dressed 穿衣服
get washed 洗刷
57.make for ……而做
58.put away ……收起来放好
throw away 扔掉,放弃
give away 放弃
carry away 带走
59.take in 接受,吸收,理解
60.get through 做完,通过,接通电话
61.carry out 执行,实现,完成
62.be well received 很受欢迎
63.bring about 导致,造成,带来
bring out 推出,显示出
bring back 使恢复,使想起,……带回
bring up 抚养,提出,吐出
64.come alive 变得活跃
65.pick up the story 继续讲故事
66.only on 通过
67.be sent for 派人去请
68.run a restaurant 开酒店
69.die out 濒临灭绝
70.live in harmony with 和平相处


