
发布时间:2018-09-27 20:40:29   来源:文档文库   

外研版英语八年级下课文翻译 1模块

玲玲:你好,萨莉!进来坐坐。对不起房间有点不整洁。我收拾 一下桌椅。

萨莉:! 瞧这些扇子! 它们很漂亮! 你有一个相当好的收藏品。 玲玲:是的,我有五六十把扇子。你收藏什么东西吗?



玲玲:真的吗?但是我真正的爱好是音乐。 我一直拉小提琴和听 音乐。


萨莉:我爸爸是一位音乐家。 我经常听他拉小提琴。 八年前他就 给了我第一把小提琴。

玲玲:而现在音乐把你带到中国来。你下次什么时候演奏? 萨莉:在这学期末。在北京电视台有一个音乐会。






萨莉:我要去北京电视台。 我将在明星大搜索节目中做一个采访。 大明:我听说过那个节目。 人们唱歌或演奏音乐, 而听众选择最 佳歌手或作曲者。



很多学生都有爱好, 比如阅读、 绘画、 在花园里种菜和照顾动物 等。 有些爱好是休闲型的, 其他是创意型的。 爱好可以使我们成 ,培养我们的兴趣,帮助我们学习新的技能。

大卫 史密斯是个学生,他的爱好是写作。在 2000夏天,他在夏 令营度过四周。 除了常见的活动如驾驶帆船、 登山和山地自行车 运动之外, 还有一个有专业作家参加的讨论会。 她叫我们想象我 们在一个故事中。 然后我们写写我们在夏令营中的经历。 在高中 , 他写了一个关于青少年的故事, 2003年出版成书。 很多十 几岁的青少年都喜欢读他的书, 而大卫也因此成为一名成功的年 轻作家。

大卫是幸运的, 他的爱好不仅给他带来了快乐, 同时还带来了成 功。不过,他还对很多其他事情感兴趣。我也喜欢排球。大卫 :‚我花一些空闲时间为校排球队打排球。也许将来我会写更 多的书,但我也不肯定。

有时候, 我们很难记住不要把所有的时间都花在最大的爱好上这个建议。 生活中有很多其他有趣的事情可做, 我们应该尝试新 的或不同的事情。


陈欢:你知道萨莉 马克斯威尔是否已经到了吗?



萨莉:是的。 这是我的朋友玲玲。 我问过你的秘书她是否能够来。 陈欢:,可以。你好玲玲。好吧,我要问你一些私人问题并记




萨莉:可以,我来自伦敦。我和几个同学在这里。事实上,我正 在学汉语。


萨莉:是的, 我们最近的一场公开音乐会几个月之后将在明星 大搜索节目里举行。但是我不知道谁会来。


萨莉:是的,我想念我的父母,但是在这儿我有一些亲密朋友。 陈欢:我知道外国人发现中国不同于他们自己的国家。 它让你感 觉如何?

萨莉:这儿是一个非常令人激动的地方。 但是我不喜欢外国人这个词。我在这里的访问全部是关于交朋友的。

陈欢:好吧,萨莉,谢谢你。而且祝你音乐会好运…(他们停下 来。 那太棒了! 因些这段录音将是节目的一部分。 顺便问一下, 你为什么不带你所有的朋友到北京电台呢?也许下周某个时 ?


一个美丽的微笑 张贝

当我 13岁时,一个男孩给了我一个重要礼物。那是一个微笑。 那是我初中生活第一年的早秋。 而且我的母校在远方。 结果, 有人知道我是谁。我非常孤独,而且害怕和任何人交朋友。 每次当我听到其他同学在谈着、 笑着, 我都感觉到心碎了。 我不


有一天, 我的同学们和他们的朋友高兴的谈论着。 而我像平时一 样闷闷不乐的坐在桌子边。 就在这时, 一个男子进了教室。 我不 知道他是谁。他经过我的身边,然后转过身。他看着我,什么也 没说并且笑了笑。

突然, 我感觉到光明和友谊的触摸。 它使我感到高兴, 充满活力 和温暖。

那个微笑改变了我的生活。我开始和其他同学交谈并且交朋友。 渐渐地, 我变得和班上每个人亲近起来。 那个带着幸运微笑的男 孩已经成了我最好的朋友。

一天, 我问他为什么微笑。但是他不记得曾经对我微笑过。 这没关系, 因为所有黑暗的日子已经过去了。 现在我相信世界就 是你想像的那个样子。 如果你认为你是孤独的, 你也许总是孤独 ,因此对世界微笑,它会回报你的微笑。




陈欢:别客气。我喜欢带领游客参观游览。现在,我想回答你们 的问题,但是记住小心红灯


陈欢:请走这边。 这是新闻室。 我们在这里收集最新新闻和写报 道。


陈欢:在北京电台每个人需要说好英语。 因此支持学习, 也许有 一天你能加入到我们当中来。这就是我从事明星搜寻工作的地 方。我们决定听什么以及采访谁。





陈欢:这里就是我们准备天气预报的地方。 让我们看新闻播报员。 好了,看见红灯了吗?请安静。

新闻播报员:最后,一些关于中英足球比赛的新闻。英国得了 2,而中国三分。


托尼:而我们输了 ! 我讨厌输球!


新闻播报员:明天的天气——上午晴天, 下午将有雨。 六点新闻 到此结束。


你多大了?‛ wxbn 无线电工作室的经理低下头看了看我问道。十五岁‛ ,我回答说。

你想在电台找份工作?难道你不应该待在学校吗?‛他问道。 我能怎样解释?我一直喜欢广播。 在我四五岁的时候, 我记得自 己坐在客厅的收音机旁,听我喜欢的节目和喜欢的播音员的声 , 就好像他们本人在亲自和我交谈。 在我九岁的时候, 我在一 家小电台找工作。

当我长大了一些, 我对广播的爱好也与日俱增。 一天, 我了解到 因特网电台。 每周一次, 我通过我爸爸的计算机给听众弹奏我最 喜欢的音乐、谈论我的学校生活然后关掉再做作业。

不久初中的好朋友开始听我的节目, 然后他们想帮助我。 我们准 备每周的节目, 关于音乐的文章、 体育新闻、 笑话和天气预报 ( 通过看窗外来做到这些

好吧,跟我来, ‛ wxbn 的经理说。我坐在工作室里的麦客风前 面。他在玻璃墙后的一个房间。

好吧, 让咱们检查一个声音吧。 只要告诉我你早餐吃了什么。所有的主持人回答同一个问题。


,很棒! ‛玻璃墙后的人说道。





萨莉:那是我们! 陈欢想要为他的节目准备一段录音, 而且他把 他的 cd 录音机借给了我。管弦乐队昨天在练习爱尔兰音乐, 此我就录了下来。


大明:让我们看看说明吧! ‚如果你想打开录音机,按蓝色键。 如果你想重播的话,按绿色键。



托尼:‚…如果你想录音的话,按红色键。如果红灯不亮的话, 30秒。,我们试试吧!



托尼:是的。如果你想通过电子邮件发送录音的话,把录音机 和你的电脑连接上。如果没有绿灯,选择复制记号。玲玲:是你在拉小提琴吗?





贝蒂:我认为陈欢在明星大扫帚节目中想听到的是你, 而不是凯 丽。快点萨丽。你的小提琴在哪里?托尼,录音键。 托尼:好了!女士们,先生们,请欢迎我们的明星音乐家—— 马克斯威尔。



如果蛇咬了你, 用手机照张相吧! 它也许能挽救你的生命。 这是 一位英国厨师的令人奇怪的


一天, 亨利 杰克逊 正在饭店的厨房里工作。他从桌子上拿丐 一个盘子,突然一条蛇出现了并咬伤了他的手。

几天前, 这条蛇藏在一个来自亚洲的装香蕉的箱子里来到这家饭 店。它爬出箱子并且躲在盘子下面。

我走过去努力把它捉起来, 它又咬了我。 我把它丢到厨房另一 边。它落在冰箱上。因此我关上了门。杰克逊先生说。

不管怎样, 杰克逊先生保持着冷静并且用他的手机给这条蛇拍了 一张照片。很快,他的手开始疼痛,他去了医院。然后他的胸口 开始痛。医生说不出毛病因为他们不知道这条蛇是哪种蛇。 然后杰克逊先生想起他的手机照片。医生把它送到伦敦动物园。 当他们知道了蛇的各类, 他们就能够给杰克逊先生正确用药, 且他第二天就出院了。

因此我的建议是这样的:如果蛇咬你, 拿起你的手机, 先给它 照张相,然后把相处给医生看。杰克逊先生建议道。,如果 蛇在照相的时候不笑,不要着急。



萨莉:, 我们一起演奏了一些音乐。 然后我们当中的一个人在 明星大搜寻音乐会结束时表演独奏一些爱尔兰舞蹈音乐。

玲玲:一首独奏?你的意思是单独一个人在大家前面?你行, 可不行!

萨莉:, 管弦乐队将在后面演奏。 我们的音乐老师将在最后的 练习期间选择最佳演奏者。 而且如果我弹得好, 我将在明星大搜 寻音乐会期间表演独奏。

贝蒂:而且如果凯丽打败了你, 她将表演独奏并且成为明星大搜 寻上的明星。



萨莉:她父母提醒过她要注意功课, 如果她和管弦乐队度过太多 时光,他们将会惩罚她并送她去不同的学校。


萨莉:如果她去了不同的学校上学,我将看不到我最好的朋友。 玲玲:因此我们能做什么?

萨莉:如果我们的老师选择凯丽, 她将演奏舞蹈音乐。 如果她成 了明星,她的父母将为她而感到自豪,也就不会再把她送走了。 玲玲:我明白了问题所在。

萨莉:但是如果我拒绝演奏, 我们的老师将不会选择我, 她将选 择凯丽。


萨莉:我总有一天有另外的机会的。 而且我将保住我最好的朋友。 亲爱的黛安娜


上一周, 我的朋友大卫买了一个新计算机游戏并且要在我爸爸的 计算机上玩它。 但是我爸爸已经警告过我不要用他的计算机玩游 , 因为他要用它工作国。 我只能它做我的家庭作业。 他认为如 果我在上面玩游戏的话,它就会出毛病。

, 我的爸爸外出了, 因此我们决定试试大卫的游戏。 我们把它 拷在计算机上, 当我们结束后, 我们把从计算机上删除。 我们相 当确信我爸爸不会注意到任何东西。 但是当爸爸昨天晚上用他的 计算机里,他真的很生气。因为它染上了病毒!


现在我觉得很可怕, 要修理它将会很昂贵。 我应该告诉他关于计






,天啊!你已经犯了两个错误。首先,当你爸爸告诉你不要用 他的计算机时你用了它。 第二, 你没有告诉他关于游戏的事。 ,你必须立刻告诉他。你要是对他说实话,他会对你生气, 至少你能证明你是多么诚实。

然后, 我认为你应该提供费用。 但是你不应该用你的零花钱—— 毕竟是你父母给了你那些钱。

如果你主动帮忙干些家务活或者帮助他干些他的工作, 他会认为 你的确很抱歉。





你想做一名电视台的新闻记者吗?人们以常问我为什么喜欢我 的工作。哦,它很令人激动。我是第一个了解到新闻故事的人。 我周游世界, 并与人们交谈。 我了解到在不同的地方正在发生的 事情。我和一些重要人士和著名人物交谈。我采访过政府官员, 著名的男、 女运动员和影星。 我询问他们的生活。 我想了解他们 的感受。

很多人想在电视新闻栏目工作, 所以你必须充满精力, 具有创新 意识。 你必须表现出你能够做这件事。 你必须学会怎样使用录像 , 怎样写报道, 怎样对着镜头说话。 学习的最好方法是什么? 你们学校或大学的电视台是一个好的开始的地方, 但是你必须要 获得一份工作!

大多数人从没有报酬的工作开始, 所以他们能够学习。 学习的最 好的地主是在一个小电视台。 那儿没有多少人, 因此, 你获得更 好的工作经验。我曾经在一个小电视台拥有一份没有报酬的工 作。有一天晚上,当大家都病了的时候,我就播报新闻。我做得 很好,因而我得到了我的第一份有报酬的工作。


大明:!昨天晚上 10点钟你是醒着的吧?




大明:她太杰出了。 她说她和许多来自伦敦的同学在一起, 她并 且在学习中文。


大明:她说她很想念父母, 但是她在这儿有一些非常亲密的朋友。 托尼:那是我们。

大明:并且她说中国是一个非常令人兴奋的地方, 但是她不喜欢外国佬这个词。她解释说她的访问是关于交朋友的。



大明:是啊, 会面就这样结束, 但是陈欢之后说萨莉的小提琴真 的拉得很好。

他说他们的音乐会非常的棒,并且每个人都非常喜爱这种音乐。 最后, 他播放了萨莉的音乐录音, 她太杰出了, 我真的想鼓掌的 喝彩。

贝蒂:所以她知道她是朋友中的一员, 好的, 但是我们担心她是 因为她不高兴,我们必须照顾她。

早上好,我是陈欢。下面是我今天(周一为大家准备的文化播 报。

今天晚上 8,学生影院将放映一部新影片,叫《加勒比海盗》 , 这是一部非常好看的惊险片。 此片约翰尼 德普和奥兰多 布鲁姆 主演, 他们两个都是广爱欢迎的著名党员。 他们俩在片中的演技 非常出色, 使得角色真实可信。 故事是关于一条旧船的, 它环绕 加勒比海诸岛航行。 德普和布鲁姆试图找到一些丢失的黄金, 来他们遇到一些坏人, 不得不与他们展开搏斗。 影片中有许多打 斗场面,看上去确实很惊险。他们还救出了姬拉 奈特莉,她扮 演的是伊丽莎白, 一位富人的女儿。 奈特莉和布鲁姆的几场戏十 分美丽、浪漫。虽然这部电影不是反映现实的,但却令人兴奋, 有些地方还非常好笑。 这是一部很好看的影片, 虽然我觉得打斗 场面过多。 但除此以外, 它仍是一部出色的影片。 如果这部电影 刚上映时你没看的话, 我建议你现在就去看, 我敢肯定你会喜欢 它。电影将上映一周。



萨莉:真安静! 我几乎听不到街上汽车的声音并且没有一个人高 声叫喊。我甚至能听见鸟儿在歌唱!

玲玲:政府想要保护中国所有公园的环境。我们围着湖边散步, 穿过寻座桥, 攀登上白塔, 今天的空气非常清新, 所以我们就可 以从那儿看到整个公园。那关于音乐会你又怎么做呢?

萨莉:, 我已经给老师打过电话了, 我说我的手和手臂都受伤 , 我不想参加最后练习中的演奏, 我说我只想在乐园的空闲时 间参加搜星音乐会的演奏。

玲玲:这样凯丽就可以表演独奏了, 不是你。 你老师说了些什么? 萨莉:她说她感到很遗憾,她问我到底出了什么问题。


萨莉:我说我的手和手臂受伤了。 她问我是不是我练习得太 多了。我说不是的。她又问我是否能帮助我,我叫她不要担心, 她就叫我照顾好自己,要多加休息并且尽快地好起来。

玲玲:好主意! 对于我们的五一假期。 我们为什么不去一个国家 公园放松一下呢?——武陵源历史名胜风景区


我们正在湖南省和玲玲的叔叔一起休假, 并且我们在武陵源历史 名胜风景区玩得非常愉快。这里非常大,大约有 390平方公里。 在这块神奇的土地上有高山、 森林和河流。 它以那奇形怪状的高 大岩石而著称国。 有的人认为它们看起来像士兵, 有的说像动物。 在中国的一位著名画家吴冠中于 1979年创作了一些有关这儿的


昨天晚上我们在一个小湖旁边露营。夜间,我听到很大的声响, 好像有人在笑, 我叫醒了玲玲和她的叔叔, 就问他们那是什么声 音。 玲玲的叔叔叫我们不要担心, 然后离开了帐篷去查看那是什 么。 几分钟以后, 他叫我们悄悄地走出来, 然后他指缶森林里面, 有只猴子,它一看到我们就跳上了树,回到森林里面去了。 今天早上我乘坐一辆电缆车上一天子山——这很安全! 我们希望 从山顶上会看到湖泊、 森林的美景, 但是我们只能看到山峰高耸 入云。 然后我们就从小径步行而下, 途经树林、 瀑布和植物回到 我们的小帐篷。 我从一株植物上摘下了一片叶子, 但玲玲的叔叔 叫我赶快洗手并且不要碰它, 因为它很危险国。 他还说摘树叶是 不对的,我们应该保护这里的一切,我感到非常的惭愧。







贝蒂:我和我父母要去拜访在山东的一些朋友。 当与他们在一起 ,我们将会在青岛待几天。我们将一直待到 5 5号。


托尼:是啊,我们庆祝劳动节,但是假期不总是在 5 1,是在 5 1日最近的星期一,并且我们只放一天假。

贝蒂:在美国,劳动节是一个国家性假期,但是也在同的日期。 它在九月份的第一个星期一。并且是新学期开始之前的最后一 天。


贝蒂:我们会野营, 或者到一个美好的地方野炊, 再或者就去海 滩。 不过当然是在假期快结束的时候。 九月到来的时候, 就开始 变凉了,所以劳动节之后我们就开始上课了。


玲玲:确实。 我们的天气会更好, 然后我们在暑假开始之前仅仅 只有几个星期。


世界各地的人们都庆祝新年。 然而, 并非所有的国家庆祝的方式 都一样, 而且, 一些国家的新年不是每年都在同一天开始。 这要 取决于季节、月亮或太阳的变化。

在许多国家,新年开始于 1 1,但在 12 31,新年前夜, 们就开始庆祝。 在纽约, 许多人去朝代广场庆祝新年。 人们在等 待新年到来的同时,听音乐、唱老歌,快乐无比。 12点至,人们 10开始倒计时:10 9 8… 一到 12,大家高声欢呼新年 快乐‛ ‚辞旧迎新。突然,烟花四起,饮料沫飞溅。有时,人们 还会唱起老歌《友谊天长地久》

新年常常是家庭的节日。有些人在家放松,有些人和(外祖父 母、叔叔(舅舅 、婶婶(舅妈聚在一起,共享美食。天气好 的话,许多家庭出去散散步。

新年那一天, 许多人都要立下新年目标。 他们列出一个单子,

如说, ‚我将要多帮家里干活儿。 我将在学校更努力地学习。 我不再花那么多时间玩电子游戏了。单子列好后,他们会 读给家人或朋友听,并且保证向目标奋斗。

所以,人们怎样庆贺新年没有关系,对于世界各国的人们来说, 此时都是辞旧迎新的时候。


托尼:对学校的乐队来说还真不错, 而且萨莉真的很擅长于小提 琴。

贝蒂:是啊,他们太棒了!但最后一曲就要到来了,我正期待着 它呢!


贝蒂:, 她错过了最后的练习, 结果凯丽就可以独自演奏这首 曲子了。












玲玲:她们的老师向凯丽问清了萨莉的真正原因, 凯丽知道萨莉 为什么错过最后的练习, 她请求她们的老师重写最后的舞曲, 样她们两个人就可以一同演奏了。



我的英雄——诺曼 白求恩

诺曼 白求恩是国中最有名的英雄之一,但他不是中国人—— 是一位加拿大人。他为帮助中国人民献出了自己的生命。

诺曼 白求恩出生于 1890年。 1916年他成为医生,他在第一次世 界大战中, 到前线为受伤的士兵治疗。 他看到许多士兵死于战争, 后来发明了新的治疗方法来救治士兵, 还发明了在医院之外使用 的医疗器械。

1938, 他来到中国, 为延安以北山上的士兵做治疗。 那里的医 生很少, 所以他的工作很辛苦。 他创办了医院, 给当地的居民和 士兵进行治疗, 并培训医生和护士。 他也写书, 为的是能够让医 生们学习新的治疗方法。

白求恩大夫不停歇地努力工作。 有一次, 他连续做了 69个小时的 手术没有停, 拯救了 112个生命。 尽管在做手术过程中割破了手, 他从没停下来。 最后, 他因为不停地工作而没医治手上的伤口牺 牲了。

救治中国士兵使他在中国成了英雄。 许多书和电影都记述了他的 事迹,加拿大人和中国人仍然怀念他。



萨莉:在这里!飞往伦敦的 ca937.



大明:但是只要看看所有这些城市。 你可以从这里飞往世界任何 地方。

托尼:我想去纽约、 华盛顿和洛杉矶。 我想参观好莱坞并遇见一 些明星。

贝蒂:首先,我想去伦敦,然后我想乘火车去巴黎。那儿有一些 极好的饭店,而且我想吃所有我最喜欢的食物。

大明:我想去非洲。我想看大象、狮子和所有其他的动物。 萨莉:你想去哪儿,玲玲?

玲玲:我想和你一起去英国。 而且我们将去看大型户外流行音乐 会。但是我不愿意乘飞机。




托尼:你可以乘船或乘火车, 尽管它会花你如此长的时间以至你 一到那儿就立刻需要返程。


通告:乘坐 ca937飞往伦敦的乘客,请到 12号门。你们的航班正 在登机。





想像这个:你父母因公外出,而你不得不一个人待在家里。生 活将会像你父母在你身边一样简单吗?对你来说它将会是一个 完美的假期吗?

郑晨玉说她会担心我在哪里找食物?我将怎样做?‛这位 14岁的女孩说她对做饭知之甚少。

我可以用西红柿鸡蛋汤充饥, 也就这些。 我认为我的许多同学 也一样。我们会不知道做什么,或怎样照顾我们自己, ‛郑说。而且我会忘记一些重要的事情。我也许会看电视然后煮汤。尽管郑相信基本的生活技能, 如做饭和洗衣服特别重要, 她认为 青少年没有得到足够多的练习。

我一离开家, 我将学会做饭。 但现在父母几乎为我们做所有的 事情。我们很懒惰, ‛她说。

大多数青少年只有时间做作业。 他直到上大学才学会一些生活技 能。


我认为我将会很好。 我不会只吃三明治或水果。 我知道怎样做 一些简单的菜肴,因为妈妈做给我看过, ‛这位 13岁的男孩说。 以他的观点, 许多青少年太多地依赖父母, 除了做饭以外, 他们 有更多的东西要学习,整理房间甚至得体地装扮自己。对大多数青少年而言,它将根本不是一个假期。

1 Module

Ling-Ling: Hi, Sally! Come sit. Sorry, the room somewhat tidy. I want to make tables and chairs.

Sally: Hi! Look at these fans! They are beautiful! You have a very good collection.

Ling-Ling: Yes, I have five sixty fan. Do you collect anything? Sally: Yes, I collect dolls. My brother collected stamps. Daming: I collect votes - you know, car targets and train tickets. Lingling: Really? But my real hobby is music. I have been playing the violin and listening to music.

Ling-Ling: What makes you so interested in music?

Sally: My father was a musician. I often hear him playing the violin. Eight years ago he gave me the first violins.

Ling-Ling: And today's music takes you to China. When are you next playing?

Sally: In this end of the semester. TV stations in Beijing have a concert.

Da Ming: So you can easily point, right?

Sally: Oh, no. I want to go to school with you.

Lingling: Great.

Sally: But not next Friday ... ...

Da Ming: What's going to happen next Friday?

Sally: I'm going to Beijing TV Station. I will be in the star search show to be a great interview.

Daming: I've heard that program. People to sing or play music while the audience select the best singer or the composer. Ling-Ling: wow! You will be really famous.

Special Interests

Many students have hobbies such as reading, painting, planting vegetables in the garden and take care of animals. Some interest is leisure, the other is the creative type. Love can make us grow and cultivate our interest to help us learn new skills.

David Smith is a student, his hobby is writing. In the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks in summer camp. In addition to the common activities such as sailing, hiking and mountain biking, there is also a professional writer to participate in the discussion. She told us to imagine ourselves in a story. Then we write about our summer camp experience. In high school, he wrote a story about young people, in a book published in 2003. Many teenagers like to read his book, David has also become a successful young writer.

David is lucky, his hobby not only brought him happiness, but also brought success. However, he is also interested in a lot of

other things. "I like volleyball." David said: "I spent some free time to play volleyball for the school volleyball team. Maybe in the future I will write more books, but I am not sure." Sometimes, it is difficult to remember, "Do not spend all your time on the biggest hobby," the proposal. In life there are many other interesting things to do, we should try something new or different.

Module 2

Huan Chen: Do you know whether Sally Maxwell has come to it?

Receptionist: That is, Ms. Maxwell.

Chen Huan: Hi, is Sally it?

Sally: Yes. This is my friend Ling-Ling. I asked your secretary if she could come.

Huan Chen: Oh, yes. Hi Lingling. Well, I want to ask you some personal questions and record your answers. Well, come this way ... Sally. Welcome to China.

Sally: Thank you.

Chen Huan; you tell me where do you come from:

Sally: Yes, I'm from London. I and a few students here. In fact, I'm learning Chinese.

Chen Huan: And I heard you was playing in the school orchestra.

Sally: Yes, our recent months after a public concert in the "Great Star Search" program held in. But I do not know who to. Chen Huan: I can ask if you miss the UK or your family? Sally: Yes, I miss my parents, but here I have some close friends.

Chen Huan: I know that foreigners have found that different from their own country. It makes you feel?

Sally: Here is a very exciting place. But I do not like

"foreigners" of the word. My visit here is all about making friends.

Huan Chen: Well, Sally, thank you. I wish you good luck and concert ... (They stop. That sounds good! This recording will be the result of some part of the program. By the way, why do not you bring all your friends to Beijing radio stations? Maybe some time next week?

Lingling and Sally: Well, thank you!

Cheung Pui a beautiful smile

When I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a smile.

That was my first year of junior high school life, early autumn.

And my alma mater in the distance. Result, no one knows who I am. I am very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. Every time when I heard other students talking, laughing, I felt heartbroken. I can not talk to anyone about my problem, but I do not want parents to worry about me.

One day, my classmates and their friends happy to talk about. The glum as usual I sat at the table. Just then a man got into the classroom. I do not know who he is. He passed to me, and then turned around. He looked at me and smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly, I felt light and friendly touch. It makes me feel happy, full of vitality and warmth.

That smile changed my life. I started talking to other students and friends. Gradually, I became close to them and everyone in the class. Fortunately, the boy with a smile that has become my best friend.

One day I asked him why he smiled. But he did not remember me smile too.

It does not matter, because all the dark days are over. Now I believe that the world is the way you think. If you think you are alone, you may always be lonely, so the world smile, it will return your smile.

Module 3

Chen Huan: Hello everybody!

Sally: We thank you for taking us to visit Beijing Radio.

Chen Huan: You're welcome. I like to lead the visitors tour. Now, I want to answer your questions, but be careful to remember the red light ...

Betty: ... stop talking!

Chen Huan: Please come this way. This is the press room. We are here to gather the latest news and writing reports.

Lingling: How can I become a news broadcaster?

Chen Huan: The Beijing radio station everyone needs to speak English well. Therefore supports the learning, maybe one day you will join us to. This is my place in the star search. We decided to listen to what and who is interviewed.

Daming: sports news how? I like to listen to football ending. Chen Huan; over there.

Tony: I want to be a sports journalist.

Da Ming: I do, too!

Chen Huan: Here is where we are prepared to weather forecasts. Let us look at news broadcaster. Well, saw the red light? Quiet, please.

Newscaster: Finally, something about the English football news. Britain had 2 points, while one-third of China ....

Da Ming: Hi! We won the game.

Tony: And we lost! I hate to lose!

All: Hush!

Newscaster: tomorrow's weather - sunny morning, afternoon rain. Six o'clock news ended.

Radio Time

"How old are you?" Wxbn radio studio manager, looking down I asked.

"Fifteen years old," I replied.

"You want to get a job in radio? Do not you be in school?" He asked.

How can I explain? I've always liked radio. In my four years old,

I remember sitting in the living room of the radio, listening to my favorite shows and favorite announcer's voice, as if they themselves in person and talking to me. In my nine years old, I find a job in a small radio station.

When I grow up, and my love of broadcasting is also increasing. One day, I learned that Internet radio stations. Once a week, I passed my father's computer to the audience to play my favorite music, talking about my school life and then

turn off and then do my homework.

Junior high school friends soon began to listen to my show, and then they want to help me. We are ready to weekly programs, articles about music, sports news, jokes and weather (and I to do this by looking out the window.

"Well, come with me," wxbn manager said. I sat in the studio in front of the wheat off the wind. He in the glass wall of a room. "Well, we'll go check a voice. Just tell me what you have for breakfast."

All of the presenters to answer the same question.

"I eat eggs, fruit and drink milk."

"Good, good!" Said the man behind the wall of glass.

My first job in radio is really began.

Module 4

(Irish music, with the violin ...

Ling-Ling: so cute! Who's playing?

Sally: That was us! Chen Huan want to prepare a tape of his show and his cd recorder he lent me. Irish music orchestra practice yesterday, so I recorded down.

Tony: How does it work?

Daming: Let us look at that now! "If you want to open the recorder, press the blue button. If you want to replay it, press

the green button."

(The same first Irish songs

Daming: You have done that.

Tony: "... If you want to record it, press the red button. If the red light does not shine, then 30 seconds." OK, we try!

Ming dynasty: it work?

(Playback: it work?

Tony: Yes. "If you want to send recordings via email, then the recorder and your computer connection. If there is no green light, select 'copy' symbol."

Ling-Ling: It is your violin?

Sally: No, that was my best friend Kelly. Her position was very good.

Ling-Ling: But why do you want to send Kelly Chen Huan played a recording it?

Betty: ah, she is my friend, and it is very important to her. Ling-Ling: But it is also important to you, Sally.

Betty: I think the big broom Chen Huan in the star is the program you want to hear, not Kelly. Come on Sally. Where are your violin? Tony, press the "record" button.

Tony: Well! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our star musicians - Sally Maxwell.

All: wow!

Please smile

If bitten by a snake you take a picture with a cell phone now! It might save your life. This is a British chef's very strange Recommendations.

One day, Henry Jackson, is working in the kitchen of the hotel. Beggar he took a plate from the table, suddenly appeared ... and a snake bite his hand.

A few days ago, the snake hidden in a banana loaded from Asia came to this hotel the box. It climbed out of the box and hide the plate below.

"I walked over to it to catch up and it bit me. I tossed it into the kitchen, on the other side. It fell on the refrigerator. So I closed the door." Mr. Jackson said.

In any case, Mr. Jackson maintained a calm and used his cell phone took a picture of the snake. Soon, his hand began to ache, he went to the hospital. Then his chest began to hurt. Doctors can not tell wrong because they do not know what this snake is a snake.

Then Mr. Jackson thought his cell phone photos. Doctors send it to London Zoo. When they know all kinds of snakes, they can give Mr. Jackson the right medication, and he was discharged

the next day.

"So my suggestion is this: If bitten by a snake you pick up your phone, give it take a picture, and then get along to see the doctor." Mr. Jackson suggested. "Well, if the snake in the camera when not laugh, do not worry."

Module 5

Betty: Sally, tell me about the concert situation.

Sally: ah, we played some music together. Then one of us who search for concerts, big star performing solo at the end of a number of Irish dance music.

Lingling: a solo? Do you mean a single person in front of everyone? You can, I can not do!

Sally: Oh, the orchestra will be playing in the back. Our music teacher will be in the final practice session to select the best performers. And if I play well, I will be the star performers during the big solo concert search.

Betty: And if Kelly beat you, she will perform solo and become a star a star on the big search.

Sally: Yes, but in fact, I would like Kelly to win.

Ling-Ling: Why?

Sally: Her parents told her to pay attention to homework, if she spent too much time and the orchestra, they will punish her

and take her to a different school.

Betty: What a pity ah!

Sally: If she went to a different school, I will not see my best friend.

Ling-Ling: So what can we do?

Sally: If you choose our teachers Kelly, she will play dance music. If she became a star, her parents will be proud of her, then she will not be sent away.

Ling-Ling: I see the problem.

Sally: But if I refuse to play, our teachers will not choose me, she will choose Kelly.

Betty: But is such a shame! You play so well.

Sally: I have another chance someday. And I will keep my best friend.

Dear Diana

Dear Diana:

Last week, my friend David bought a new computer game and my dad's computer to play it. But my father had warned me not to use his computer to play games, because the country he wants to use it to work. I can only do my homework it. He thinks that if I play games on it, then it will go wrong.

Oh, my dad out, so we decided to try David's game. We copy it

on the computer, when we ended, we removed from the computer. We are quite sure my father will not notice anything. But when my father with his computer last night, he was really angry. Because it is infected with a virus!

But I did not tell him about the computer games business. Now I feel awful, it will be very expensive to repair. I should tell him about the computer game thing? I should mention

For the cost?



Dear Steve:

Oh, God! You have made two mistakes. First of all, when your dad told you not to use his computer when you use it. Second, you did not tell him about the game thing. Yes, you must immediately tell him. If you tell him the truth, he'll get angry, but at least you can prove how much you honest.

Then, I think you should provide costs. But you should not use your pocket money - after all, your parents gave you the money.

If you take the initiative to help do some chores or to help him do some of his work, he will think you are really sorry.

Oh, and David, play football the next bar!

Best wishes


Review module

You want to be a television news reporter? People often ask me why I like to my work. Oh, it is very exciting. I was the first news story of the people understand. I travel around the world and talk to people. I understand that in different places is happening. I and a number of important and famous people, talk to people. I interviewed government officials, famous male and female athletes and movie stars. I asked them to life. I want to know how they feel.

Many people want to work in TV news programs, so you must be full of energy, a sense of innovation. You must show you can do it. You must learn how to use video, how to write reports, how to talk to the camera. What is the best way to learn? Your school or university television station is a good place to start, but you have to get a job!

Most people work without pay from the start, so they can learn. Learning is the best landlord in a small television. Not many people there, so you get a better work experience. I once owned a television station in a small unpaid work. One night,

when everyone was sick, I to broadcast news. I'm doing well, so I got my first paid work.

Module 6

Da Ming: Hi! 10 o'clock last night you are awake, right?

Betty: No, I'm so sleepy, why do you ask?

Daming: Sally here.

Tony: What did she say?

Ming dynasty: she was too prominent a. She said she and many students from London, she is also learning Chinese. Tony, she talked about her friend?

Ming dynasty: her parents said she was missed, but here she has some very close friends.

Tony: That was us.

Ming dynasty: and she said that China is a very exciting place, but she does not like "gringo" is the word. She explained that her visit is about making friends.

Betty: ah! That would be great.

Tony: Is that all?

Da Ming: Yes, ah, meeting to this end, but said after Sally Chen Huan really very good at the violin.

He said their concerts to be good, and everyone is very fond of

this music. Finally, he played Sally's music recording, she was so outstanding, I really want to applaud the cheers.

Betty: So she knows she is a friend of a good, but we are worried about her because she was not happy, we must take care of her.

Good morning, I was Chen Huan. Here is me today (Monday as we prepared for broadcast culture.

Today at 8 pm, students will show a new movie theater, called "Pirates of the Caribbean", which is a very nice thriller. The film starring Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, two of them are widely known love welcome party. Two of them acting in the film very well, making the role believable. Story is about an old ship, which sailed around the Caribbean islands. Depp and Bloom trying to find some of the missing gold, then they encounter some bad guys have to start fighting with them. There are many fight scenes video, looks really thrilling. They also rescued Ji Lanaiteli, she plays Elizabeth, the daughter of a rich man. Knightley and Bloom's some very beautiful scene, romantic. Although the film is not a reflection of reality, but exciting, in some places is still very funny. This is a very nice movie, although I think the fight scenes too. But other than that, it is still a good movie. If this movie just did not see when you

release it, I suggest you go now, I'm sure you'll like it. Film will be released one week.

Module 7

Ling-Ling: Welcome to the Beihai Park.

Sally: Really quiet! I can barely hear the voice of the street car and no one yelled. I can even hear the birds sing!

Ling Ling: the Chinese government wants to protect the park environment for all. We walk around the lake, searching through the bridge, climb on the White Tower, the air is very fresh today, so we can see the whole park from there. What about concerts, how do you do?

Sally: ah, I have made a phone call to the teacher, and I said that my hands and arms were injured, and I do not want to participate in the final practice of the play, I said I just want to spare time to participate in the park concert star search performance.

Ling-Ling: so Kelly can perform solo, and not you. What did your teacher say?

Sally: She said she was sorry, she asked me what has gone wrong in the end.

Ling-Ling: You tell her the truth yet?

Sally: ah ... I said my hands and arms hurt. She asked me whether I am practicing too much. I said no. She asked me if I can help me, I told her not to worry, she tells me to take care of yourself, to more rest and get better as soon as possible. Lingling: Good idea! For our holiday. Why do not we relax a national park it? - Zhangjiajie scenic spot of history

Dear Mom and Dad:

We are Hunan and Ling-Ling's uncle vacation, and we in the Zhangjiajie scenic spot had a very good history. There is very large, about 390 square kilometers. In this magical land, the mountains, forests and rivers. It's tall, strangely shaped rocks that is known country. Some people think they look like soldiers, and some say they look like animals. In China, a famous painter Wu Guanzhong created in 1979, some of the works of the beautiful scenery here before, few people know this place.

Last night we camp beside a small lake. Night, I heard loud voices, as if someone was laughing, I woke up Ling-Ling and her uncle, and asked them what it sounds. Ling-Ling's uncle told us not to worry, then left the tent to see what it is. A few minutes later, he told us to come out quietly, and then he refers to the pottery the forest, there are monkeys, it saw us and

jumped on the tree, which went back to the forest.

This morning I took a cable car for a Tianzishan - this is safe! We hope to see from the top of the mountain lakes, forest scenery, but we can only see the peaks above the clouds. Then we walk down from the trail, through forests, waterfalls and plants back to our little tent. I took off from a plant leaf, but Ling-Ling's uncle called me up hands and not touch it, because it is very dangerous country. He also said that pick the leaves is wrong, we should protect everything here, I feel very ashamed.

Tomorrow we will go to the second fresh water lake in China - Dongting Lake.

We are back to school next week. I wish you are here!



8 modules

Tony: Betty, what the holiday plans?

Betty: I and my parents going to visit some friends in Shandong. When with them, we will be a few days in Qingdao. We will stay until May 5.

Daming: Tony, do you celebrate May Day in the United

Kingdom it?

Tony: Yes, ah, we celebrate Labor Day, but the holidays are not always in the May 1, is from May 1 last Monday, and we only take a day off.

Betty: In the U.S., Labor Day is a national holiday, but also the same date. It is the first Monday in September. Before the start of the new semester and the last day.

Ling-Ling: Do you have any special activities?

Betty: We will camp, or a wonderful place to picnic, and then, or go to the beach. But of course, when the holidays end. September comes, they begin to cool, so we started after Labor Day class.

Ming dynasty: an end to Labor Day we will return to school. Lingling: Indeed. Our weather will be better, and then just before the start of our summer vacation a few weeks.

Betty: Yes, ah! Let us a lot of fun, until you return to school. People all over the world celebrate the New Year. However, not all countries celebrate the same way, and, in some countries of the New Year is not starting the same day every year. Depending on the season, the moon or the sun changes. In many countries, the New Year began on January 1, but in the 31 December, New Year's Eve, people begin to celebrate.

In New York, many people go to dynasty Square to celebrate the New Year. People waiting for the coming year, while listening to music, singing old songs, so happy. 12 points to, people start counting down from 10: 10,9,8 ... 1-12, as we cheered "Happy New Year" "New Year." Suddenly, fireworks everywhere, beverage foam splash. Sometimes, people will sing the old songs "friendship forever."

New Year is often a family holiday. Some people are relaxing at home, some people (outside grandparents, uncle (uncle, Aunt (aunt got together to share food. The weather is good, many families go for a walk.

New Year's day, many people have set new year goals. They are listed in a list, for example, "I will be more work to help children at home. I will study harder in school." Or "I do not spend so much time playing video games." The line list, they will read it to family members or friends to listen, and to ensure the goal.

So, how do people celebrate the New Year does not matter, for the people of the world, the time is New Year time.

9 modules

Tony: The school band is pretty good, but Sally really good at


Betty: Yes, ah, they great! But in the end one is coming, and I was looking forward to it too!

Tony: That first dance? Sally played the song to it?

Betty: No, she missed the final practice, and Kelly can play the song a alone.

She said her hand hurt. But that is just an excuse.

Da Ming: Why would she do that?

Betty: I think she can avoid doing so Kelly and her parents. Maybe she is trying to help Kelly, she is really brave.

Daming; I agree, this is really a good idea.

Betty: Hush! They began to play, so please keep quiet!

Tony: But you look!

Ling-Ling: Hey! Hello everybody, I'm sorry I'm late.

Tony: Look! Kelly and Sally doing?

Ling-Ling; she was standing up, because they will be playing together.

Betty: What happened?

Lingling: Kelly asked their teacher to clear the real reason for Sally, Sally Kelly know why the missed the final practice, she asked them to rewrite the final dance teacher, so that they can together two people played.

Tony: Now they will work together to become a star Star Search tonight.

Ling-Ling: I bet Sally will win, for in her is the real hero tonight! My hero - Norman Bethune

Norman Bethune is the country one of the most famous hero, but he is not Chinese - but a Canadian. He helped the Chinese people gave their lives.

Norman Bethune was born in 1890. In 1916 he became a doctor, he was the First World War, to the front-line treatment for the wounded soldiers. He saw many soldiers died in the war, and later invented a new therapeutic approach to treatment of soldiers, but also invented in the medical devices used outside the hospital.

In 1938, he came to China for the soldiers in the mountains north of Yan'an to do treatment. Few doctors there, so he's working very hard. He founded the hospital, local residents and soldiers to be treated, and the training of doctors and nurses. He is also writing a book for doctors to be able to learn new treatment methods.

Bethune did not stop working hard. Once, he made 69 consecutive hours of surgery did not stop to save 112 lives. Despite the cut in his hand during surgery, and he never

stopped. Finally, he did not work because it kept healing the wounds of the hands of the expense.

Where Chinese soldiers made him a hero in China. Many books and films are chronicles of his deeds, Canadians and Chinese still miss him.

10 modules

Lingling: Now, where is your flight number?

Sally: Here! London's ca937.

Betty: I want to go with you!

Betty: I do! We want a good time.

Daming: But just look at all of these cities. You can fly from here to anywhere in the world.

Tony: I want to go to New York, Washington and Los Angeles. I'd like to see some of the stars of Hollywood and met.

Betty: First, I want to go to London, then I would like to take the train to Paris. There are some excellent restaurants, and I want to eat all my favorite foods.

Da Ming: I want to go to Africa. I want to see elephants, lions and all other animals.

Sally: Where do you want, Ling-Ling?

Ling-Ling: I want to go to England with you. And we will see a

large outdoor pop concerts. But ... I do not want to fly.

Sally: You do not want it?

Ling-Ling: I'm afraid will be the fault plane.

Betty: Do not be silly!

Tony: You can take a boat or train, although it will take you so long to get there as well as you need to return immediately. Sally: ah, I'll be happy to be with you all.

Notice: Take ca937 passengers flying to London, please go to Gate 12. Your flight is boarding.

Sally: That's my flight! Goodbye, everybody! Keep in touch! All: Goodbye, Sally! Do not forget to write!

Ling-Ling: I wish a safe trip!

A perfect holiday?

Imagine this: your parents going out, and you have one person stay at home. Life would be like your parents around you is as easy as it? To you it will be a perfect holiday? Zhengchen Yu said she would worry about, "Where do I find food? I do?" Said the 14-year-old girl said she was cooking poorly understood.

"I can eat with tomato and egg soup, it all. I think many of my classmates, too. We will not know what to do, or how to take care of ourselves," Cheng said. "And I will forget something

important. I might watch TV and then soup."

Although Zheng believe the basic life skills such as cooking and washing is particularly important, she believed that young people did not get enough practice.

"I left home, I will learn to cook. But now the parents almost everything we do. We are lazy," she said.

Most teens only time doing homework. Until college did he learn some life skills.

But Ismail If you do not think so.

"I think I will be fine. I will not eat a sandwich or fruit. I know how to do some simple dishes, because my mother read to me," the 13-year-old boy. In his view, too many young people rely on their parents, in addition to cooking outside, they have more to learn, such as "clean your room or even to dress appropriately."

For most adolescents, it is not a holiday.


