
发布时间:2019-05-28 02:54:57   来源:文档文库   





晋祠始建于北魏,为纪念周武王次子叔虞而建。这里殿宇、亭台、楼阁、桥树互相映衬,山环水绕,文物荟萃,古木参天,是一处风景十分优美的古建园林,被誉为山西的 小江南 ,是一处国家少有的大型祠堂式古典园林,驰名中外。尤其是圣母殿、侍女像、鱼沼飞梁、难老泉等景点是晋祠风景区的精华。祠内的周柏、难老泉、宋塑侍女像被誉为 晋祠三绝 ,具有很高的历史价值、科学价值和艺术价值。晋祠为国家重点文物保护单位,是华夏文化的一颗璀璨明珠。

晋祠旅游景区距太原市较近,气候条件与市区接近,加上依水傍山,风景优美,是游客避暑、观光地。太原市通往晋祠的8路无人售票公共汽车、8路小公共汽车,昼夜持续时间长,行车间隔时间短,乘车环境舒适。晋祠风景区食宿方便,饭店、旅馆坐落周围,数十家饭店、餐馆、酒家,均具有上乘的服务和可口的饭菜,且具有本地特色。尤其是 晋祠大米 以其明晶透亮、味道纯香而饮誉天下。紧靠景区的晋祠镇政府近几年下工夫抓了以旅游业为龙头的公用设施及三业建设,面貌大为改观,尤其是景区的住宿条件、通信业务、医疗保障、娱乐场所、购物环境越来越受到中外游人的青睐。


位于晋祠古建筑门前的开阔地上。东对碧水莲塘,西靠晋祠古建筑,南北两翼,紧挨千顷稻田、农舍、村庄。 伏龙山是园内假山,山的半腰,嵌石题书 伏龙山 。山脚有石洞流水,水从石龙口中淌出,流入池中。池旁有石刻两罗汉,池中有石刻天女、麻姑,池边石虎饮水,状貌惟妙,情趣横生。

公园中部有德隐斋。西北部有仙翁阁,又称红阁。因阁上供奉八仙之一的吕洞宾而得名。此阁创建于明代弘治年间,清代康熙四十四年重修。还有北极阁,这座明代创建、清代重修的建筑,古朴端庄,典雅不俗,底洞门有 古唐邨 题刻。陶然村别居一角,亭秀阁明。









殿内有彩塑43尊,其中圣母像1尊,宦官像5尊,身穿男服的女官像4尊,侍女像33尊。除神翕内的2尊小像为明代补塑外,余皆宋代原作。这些塑像的排列形式突破了寺观塑像排列的固有规制,创造了真正的世俗生活场面,是宋代宫廷生活及其森严等级制度的真实写照,且造型生动,活灵活现,是宋人审美情趣的最高反映和体现,堪称神品,海内外均极罕见。殿前的鱼沼飞梁之建筑结构呈宋代特色,沼内石柱具北魏遗风,乃宋天圣年间原物。鱼沼飞梁实际上就是架设在鱼沼上造型如大鸟展翅的十字形桥梁,这种造型优美、形制奇特的十字形桥式虽然在古籍中早有记载,古画中偶有所见,但国内现存实物仅此一例,确是 海内独有,举世无双 ,对于研究中国古代桥梁建筑极有价值。飞梁之前有献殿,虽规模不大,却是金大定八年原构。


难老泉前,是晋祠自然风光的精华所在。左侧真趣亭,是人们观赏风光多要逗留之地。亭下踏台阶可到水边,名曰 洗耳洞 。水中石坝一条,如玉带贯穿腰间,坝下凿孔洞十枚,是当年南北两渠三七分水的界线。

晋祠的树木,也是人们赏玩的景色。传说中的周柏、唐槐等分布于永镜台前、关帝庙内、东岳祠中和圣母殿北侧,就中以圣母殿北侧的周柏最引人注目。树高10余米,侧身向南倾倚,苍翠的叶枝,披覆在圣母殿屋顶之上,与地面成45度斜角,前面又一柏树支撑着它的躯干,名曰 撑天柏


历史上的许多文人墨客游览晋祠后留下了不少佳作。唐代大诗人李白有 晋祠流水如碧玉 微波龙鳞莎草绿 的千古绝唱;宋司马光有 山寒太行晚,水碧晋阳春 之名句;宋欧阳修有 地灵草木得余润,郁郁古柏含苍烟 的感叹。





圣母殿是晋祠的主殿,建于北宋天圣年间,崇宁元年重修。殿依山而筑,恰在晋水源头之上,坐西朝东,重檐歇山顶,面阔七间,进深六间,单槽,四周围廊,即宋《营造法式》记载 副阶周匝 做法。形成一个宽阔的前廊,其构架作了特殊处理,将下檐前廊当中三间的四道梁架加长到深二间,梁尾交于殿身槽缝的内柱上,使殿身前檐当中三间四柱不落地而立于上述梁上,并把殿身正面的门窗槛墙后移到内柱之间,形成深两间的前廊,格外宽敞。殿内部分,深三间上架通梁,空间完整高敞。殿前八根廊柱上各缠绕木质盘龙一条,即《营造法式》所载的 缠龙柱 ,是现存宋代此种做法的孤例。大殿斗拱六铺作,单拱拱出三跳,柱头双抄单下昂,补间单抄出重昂,并施异形拱。下檐斗和上檐补间昂嘴,长大而平出,舒展而豪放。斗拱彩画与《营造法式》卷三十








悬瓮山在太原西南十里,晋水所出。 悬瓮山北有龙山、太山,南有庙望山、鸡笼山,西有天龙山。诸山一脉相承,松柏连天。山风响处,松涛澎湃。山中景致妙趣横生。 霜叶红于二月花 恰似 龙山红叶 的写照;天龙八景的望川亭有六块题字石,即欢喜岭、天目山、极乐峰、结绌山、望川遗址,山水大观,言简意赅,跃然石上。登临 望川晴晓 看日出,是晋祠极好景色。山上还有宋太宗赵光义攻打晋阳前的 试石剑 ,悬瓮山南面不远的柳子沟有柳下跖插旗石。涌翠崖浓翠溶溶,举手可挹。鹿角峰麋鹿尚存,瓦岗寨、锁烟岭、大小神沟、柳子沟、明仙峪、马坊峪等无不各具特色。纵观悬瓮群山,悬崖绝壁,奇峰怪石,苍翠欲滴,四季常青,从春到秋,山花烂漫,飘飘然有凌云之溉。

山有山之胜,水有水之奇。在晋祠风景区主要得益于水, 山不在高有仙则名,水不在深有龙则灵。 水景之观,难老泉日注不穷。九龙湖、台驿泽、留山湖、智伯渠、池沼,都来自晋水,所以最引人入胜还属 晋祠三绝 之一的难老泉。泉水清澈透底,三九寒天,水中长生萍草,翠绿动人。每当冬日清晨,泉流之上雾气升腾,像白纱笼罩水面。晋祠的楼、台、亭、阁在烟雾缥缈之中忽隐忽现,身在其中,如入幻境,当夜深人静时,难老泉不舍昼夜,形成晋祠内八景之首。在晋祠群山之中,泉、溪、涧、潭随处可见。在海拔1700米的天龙山上,泉眼众多,登天龙山方知山有多高,水有多高的真谛。山奇水奇,二者皆有,是晋祠胜境千古不朽的根本。








Jin temple as built in northern ei dnast, in honor of ji fa the seond unle danger. Here the house set eah other off of eah other of, pavilions, halls, Bridges, trees, mountain ring around the ater, ultural reli, anient giant, is a sener is ver beautiful landsape, thus is regarded as a small jiangnan in Shanxi Provine, is a ountr one of the fe large anestral hall tpe lassial gardens, renoned Chinese and foreign. Espeiall the mother house, maid like, fish fen fl beam, diffiult old springs seni spots suh as jin temple seni area is the best. Temple Zhou Bai, diffiult old springs, song maid like is knon as quiet jin temple, has the ver high historial value, sientifi value and artisti value. Jin temple for the national ke ultural relis protetion unit, is a shinning pearl of the Chinese ulture.

Jin temple seni spots are from taiuan, limate onditions and lose to donton, and in aordane ith the mountain ater, beautiful sener, is summer, sightseeing visitors. To the jin temple in taiuan it 8 automated olletion bus, 8 road minibus, da and night long time 23:00 earl and driving time beteen short rebuilt. And arti pavilion, the reated in Ming dnast, rebuilt in the qing dnast arhiteture, simple dignified, elegant and not mon, David has the anient tang estate insribed op. Tao ran, village don t house orner, pavilion pavilion sho.

Southeast jin temple park, is a ater park. Here is monl knon as the south lake, ater garden sho, there are three Kong Qiao on lake, pedestrian bridge, the bridge on a boat, those jiangnan thorn.


Hexiang assemble, ooden misellaneous loth, beautiful sener, famous taiuan jin temple, is loated in the southest of donton hanging urn hill, jin ater soure, is embedded in the loess plateau of China hexiang garden pearl. It has a long histor and as built s no exams, northern ei li daouan ritten book of ater injetion has been reorded, explain jin temple in more than one thousand five hundred ears ago, have a ertain sale.

Jin temple is the temple of jinhou, the original is a sarifie in the earl estern zhou dnast Tang Fangguo founding emperor JiYu anestral temple. After jin ater originating from this, the hange of name for jin, so named jin temple.

Jin temple overs an area of more than 40000 square meters, the temple YinYi trees, has been more than thousand ears for Qi expansion, development and onstrution, has been developed from the original sarifies in the spring and autumn jin the founding emperor of shu u of tang anestral temple and bee FengSi man people, inluding various temple, the temple of the god, Buddha, tao, the song, jin, uan, Ming and qing dnasties, the onstrution of various temple, hall, building, pavilion, pavilion, Taian hundred bridge, Bridges, pavilions, is a ultural onnotation is extremel rih and has an important historial, artisti or sientifi value of landsape, thus negative ins at home and abroad for a long time.

The anient temple, north, south b three parts. Central building to Notre Dame temple as the enter, forming a east-est axis. From the temple east gate inside, used to after he in turn ater on entral axis jingi, fair bridge, Jin Rentai, Vietnam lane, on the seond floor of the bell and drum, fen fl up, fish beam, the virgin temple, is the main bod of the temple building. This set of arhitetural laout rigorous, modelling is hi, ith unique , art is famous in the orld ith a high historial value. North east sine enhang palae building, have a lok on hongqiao, dongue temple, heaven shrines siene rebuilt the virgin of the temple, it as built Shi Gou stlobate, surfae idth of seven, the deep six, double-hipped roof rested on the top of the hill, surrounded b galler, beteen the front porh for to deep, the porh and spaious, are unique in the tang, song building. Deposit in China and in the phsial, thus the temple porh around depth reahed beteen the to, this is the earliest one instane. Front pillars arved ooden panlong eight, inding, plate bending, strong of song and uan period for to ears the original. PanLongZhu shape as seen in sui and tang stone toer door and shrines, in domesti anient buildings knon ooden material, the most anient.

Inside there are 43 statue of painted sulpture, inluding Madonna 1, the eunuh like 5, the female offier earing men s lothing like 4, maid as 3

3. Exept 2 statue of small like the 10) of the Ming dnast god fill plasti outside, more than the original song dnast. These statues statue of inherent regulation arrangement broke through the temples, reated the real seular life senes, is song dnast palae life and realit, guarded hierarh and vivid, lifelike, is the highest reflet and reflet of sung people aestheti temperament and interest, is prepared, at home and abroad are extremel rare. Before the house of the marsh fish fl beam struture harateristis of the song dnast, marsh pillars of the northern ei dnast reli, is the original song saint ears. Marsh fling fish beam is set up on the marsh fish atuall modelling ross bridge ings like birds, this peuliar ross bridge tpe of modelling, beautiful shape, although earl reorded in anient books, oasionall see somehat in the anient paintings, but domesti existing phsial alone, it is of olleting the unique, the onl one like ou , for the stud of Chinese anient bridge onstrution is extremel valuable. Fl before beam is up, although small, but Jin Dading eight ears riting and riting ourself - font for the running sript, is deep the romanti harm of ang xizhi, runXX free and eas, bone the grand, elegant tall and straight, is China s earliest existing a running sript tablet, has important historial and artisti value.

Man sholars in the histor of the tour after the jin temple left a lot of good. Great poets in the tang dnast Li Baiou jin temple like jasper ater , miroave squama sedge green song of eternal; Late song dnast sima guang has old taihang mountain, ater garden in the spring of the sentene; Song OuYangXiuYou spirit Yu Run vegetation, and ooper ith pale smoke .



