NCE2-4 Lesson61

发布时间:2016-09-28 13:57:32   来源:文档文库   

Class:nce2-4 Place:whl No._4 __ Date:2016-9 -25 Time:4:00-6:00

Teaching type&title:new lesson lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble

Teaching contents&aims:Hubble telescope launch space NASA billion faulty astronaut shuttle Endeavour robot-arm grab atmosphere distant galaxy universe eagle eye



Key points: telescope launch space NASA billion faulty astronaut shuttle grab atmosphere distant galaxy universe将来完成时、将来进行时、将来完成进行时。


Difficulties: Hubble telescope launch space NASA billion faulty astronaut shuttle Endeavour robot-arm grab atmosphere distant galaxy universe eagle eye




Step one revision and read

Step two have a dictation

Step three new lesson

1. Lead-in:do you want to go to the space by spaceship?

2. Introduce the story: The Hubble telescope was launched into space but there was trouble with it.

3. Listen and answer: What’s the problem? Why is the special importance of a telescope in space?

4. Listen, imitate and learn:

New words and expressions 生词和短语

★Hubble n 哈勃

★telescope n 望远镜

★launch v 发射

★space n 空间(指宇宙空间)

room 空间, 不可数 (a room 为房间,可数)

could you make room for me?你能为我腾一点空间吗?

★billion n 10亿

★faulty adj 有错误的

★astronaut n 宇航员

★shuttle n 航天飞机

★Endeavour n “奋进

★robotarm n 机器手

robot n.机器人, 遥控设备, 自动机械, 机械般工作的人

★grab v

★atmosphere n 大气层

atmosphere n.大气, 空气, 气氛, 氛围

I went to the New Concept English of New Oriental school for its good atmosphere

★distant adj 遥远的

★galaxy n 星系

★universe n 宇宙

★eagle eye n 鹰眼,一种仪器


Trouble with the Hubble科普性文章

科普性文章结构简单, 句式单一, 单词较难


at a cost of 花费

Hubble telescope看作一个整体, 在句中做主语

was launched 动词谓语


NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局

There was trouble with the Hubble

trouble with 关于......有麻烦What's the trouble with you? 你有什么麻烦? (医生常这样问)



主句 : the pictures...were...


sorry, it's my fault

faulty adj 有错误的

be going to将要

put sth right把某物放正确

it 指代 NASA

send up往上送

The shuttle Endeavour 主语,可能是交通工具

roblt-arm : 机器人手臂 arm手臂

hold it抓住它



astronaut n 飞行员, 宇航员


distant galaxies


a great deal大量 / a great deal of 大量的

by the time到那时


by the time you read this 到你读这篇文章的时候

will have done将来完成式

thousands and thousands of成千上万的

Key structures】 关键句型

1、将来完成时 will have done

2、将来进行时will be doing

3、将来完成进行时will have been doing

4、现在完成进行时have been doing

将来完成进行时: 从某一点发生, 一直延续到将来的某一点, 并且将可能延续下去

it has been raining...

we will have been learning book 2...

区别:1 一般将来时: 事情在将来发生

2 将来进行时: 等同于一般将来时

3 将来完成时: 强调到将来某一点时间动作的结束

4 将来完成进行时: 强调到将来某一点时间动作可能结束或延续

过去完成进行时had been doing

过去完成进行时 : 到过去某一点时间为止动作一直在延续

his father had dead...

his father had been waiting for his son until he came back.

soon the astronauts will have repaired the telescope. 宇航员很快会把望远镜修好.

will have done到将来某一点时间, 动作完成

by Friday midday, they will have been working on it for seven days. 到星期五中午, 他们就在这个工程上干了7天了.

work on sth关于......的工作

到将来某一点时间, 动作延续

Step four

Special Difficulties 难点

Words often confused 经常容易混淆的词

Study these examples:细读以下例子 :

a  Nouns: Cost, Price, Value

The Hubble was launched at a cost of over a billion dollars. 哈勃望远镜发射升空, 耗资10多亿美元.

How much is that blouse? Let's ask the price. 这件衬衣多少钱?让我们来问一下价钱.

The stolen items were of sentimental, rather than financial value. 被盗物品更具有情感上的涵义, 而不是经济上的价值.

b  Verbs: Cost, Price, Value.

What does this blouse cost, please? 请问, 这件衬衣多少钱?

I want to price the bed linen in a few other shops before I buy any.我想在买床单之前打听几家商店的价格.

I value you advice a great deal. 我非常尊重你的建议.

cost / price / value : nouns名词 & verbs 动词

nouns : price价格; cost 费用; value价值

at the cost of ......的费用

verbs : price sth打听......的价格, 并比较

cost花费sth cost moneyvalue sth认为......有价值

value your time珍惜时间

I value your advice我尊重你的意见

value sth owned by oneself敝帚自珍

Step five revision and do some exercises


《NCE2-4 Lesson61.doc》
