
发布时间:2013-12-11 20:39:16   来源:文档文库   


Project1. Service Encounter Journal


To become more aware of critical aspects of the service encounter from a customer’s perspective.


We all have a number of such encounters each week, including (but not limited to) restaurants, banks, airlines, dry cleaners, doctors, dentists, libraries, photographers, tutors, travel agencies, theaters, pest control agencies, phone companies, automotive mechanics, insurance companies, attorneys, accountants, and copy centers. You are to keep a “journal” of your service encounter experiences. The purpose of the journal is to identify sources of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with services.


Journal entries (30 points)

You are asked to complete 5 journal entry forms describing recent service encounters you have experienced (i.e., those occurring during this semester). One blank copy is attached to the back of this handout. Each entry will correspond to one service encounter that you have during the semester.

Your journal may be written (if you have neat, clear, legible handwriting) or typed. (If you desire, you can use your favorite word processor to set up a file with the questions from the entry form. You can then enter descriptions of the service encounters as you experience them.) Be sure to completely answer the questions on the journal entry form. If you make copies of the form and need more room to answer the questions, you may write on the back of the entry form or attach a page to the form. Your inclusion of the important details of the service encounter will help you in writing your service encounter paper.

Try to record an assortment of types of encounters from a variety of service industries (i.e., don’t do all restaurants) as well as some that you find satisfying and some that are very dissatisfying. The best way to complete your journal is to fill a form out immediately following a particular incident. Try to write up two or three service encounters per week, beginning immediately. If you try to do your entries from memory, or do too many at one time, the quality of the entries will suffer.

Due Date

You should have completed at least 3 journal entries by the time we discuss Chapter 4 (Customer’s Perceptions of Service). You will be asked to be present and to bring your journal entries to class for the discussion of Chapter 4, although they will not be collected at that time. The entire set of 5 journal entries is due when the paper is due, on November 25.

Service Encounter Journal Paper


To evaluate critical aspects of two distinct service encounters from your own perspective as a customer and as a services marketer.


The purpose of the service encounter paper is to analyze the service encounters from a customer’s point-of-view. This paper (3-4 pages) will consist of two parts: First, you will write about the organization (from your journal) that provided you with the worst service of any organization you encountered; and, second, you will write about an organization that is doing an excellent overall job of services marketing.


Worst service (30 points)

In the first part of the paper, write about the organization from your journal that provided you with the worst service of any organization you encountered and wrote about in your journal. Based on your reading of the textbook and issues we have discussed in class, diagnose what went wrong in the encounter. That is, from a services marketing perspective, what is the real cause of the problem? Then, recommend the most important actions management should take to improve service. Be specific in your recommendations (e.g., suggesting that employees “need more training” is not a particularly enlightening or useful recommendation). To demonstrate your understanding of course concepts, use concepts from the class to support your discussion and suggestions. Be selective and focus on the most important issues, as this part of the paper should be about two pages in length. A good paper will describe the problem(s) based on the journal input and present a specific, logical plan for improvement.

Best service (30 points)

In the second part of the paper, write about an organization from your journal that is doing an excellent overall job of services marketing. Again, base your analysis on the textbook and class discussions. Demonstrate your knowledge of services marketing concepts by discussing; using concepts covered in class discussion and the text book, what this organization does that makes it successful. This part of the paper is also expected to be about two pages in length.

Lessons learned (10 points)

Finally, you should conclude your paper with 1-2 paragraphs discussing what you learned from this experience and how you will apply it as you enter the business world.

The grading criteria used for evaluating your paper include your ability to relate material from readings and lectures to your paper, your ability to diagnose probable causes of problems and match them with appropriate solutions, depth and substance of your observations, persuasiveness of your observations, and the quality of writing.

You should use services marketing concepts in your discussion to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts, as this is the primary purpose of this assignment.

Due Date

Your service encounter paper is due on November 25. You should turn in both the paper and your five journal entries at this time. (Your journal entries should be included as an appendix to your paper.)

Service Encounter Journal Form

Journal Entry:

Your Name: ________________

Name of Firm: _____________________________ Type of Service (industry): ____________________

Date of Encounter: __________________________ Time Encounter Occurred: ____________________

What specific circumstances led to this encounter?

Exactly what did the firm/employee say or do?

How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Circle the most appropriate number.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

extremely extremely

dissatisfied satisfied

What exactly made you feel that way?

What could the employee/firm have done to make you happier with the encounter?

How likely is it that you will go back to this service firm?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Extremely extremely

unlikely likely

Project2. Service Blueprint


To develop a thorough understanding of service blueprinting by analyzing the service process for a given services company and graphically capturing the process on paper.


Your assignment is to seek out a local service provider (or, alternately, a “goods” business that has a significant services component) and develop a service blueprint. Your project should focus on a specific company and not just a typical firm in the industry. You will probably need to read Chapter 8 of the text book in advance in order to complete this assignment on time. Students who decide to do this project will be expected to construct a complete, detailed service blueprint for their chosen service provider. In order to ensure we do not have students blueprinting firms from the same industry, you must email me a brief note explaining what provider’s services you are blueprinting at least one week prior to class. (Approvals will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis.)


Service Blueprint (40 points)

This assignment is expected to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the blueprint concepts from class and ability to apply them in looking at a particular service provider. You may need to visit the business you have chosen in order to complete this part of the assignment. Your task is to create a complete blueprint of the service and then present it to the class. Each blueprint should include the components listed in Chapter 8 and discussed in class. You should clearly label all lines, and arrows should be included in your blueprint to indicate the order of activities. Your blueprint should include at least four “boxes” of support processes. Potential bottlenecks or fail points in the service delivery process should also be identified. You are expected to share your blueprinting expertise with the class so that your classmates may benefit from the insight you have gained.

Written Assignment (40 points)

In addition to the actual blueprint, you will also write a short paper (3-4 pages) that addresses the following issues:

(1) describe why you selected this organization to blueprint;

(2) describe what you believe to be the three key elements of physical evidence revealed in the blueprint and discuss how they influence the customer’s experience;

(3) identify and describe three potential bottlenecks (points in the process where backups or slow delivery may occur) and/or fail points (points in the process where problems may occur);

(4) suggest possible solutions/alternatives to address these (potential) problem areas;

(5) discuss how a service blueprint might be used in each of the following areas in this organization: marketing, human resource management, and operations;

(6) discuss what you learned from doing this assignment and how you will apply it in the business world.

Presentation (20 points)

In addition to the written portion of this assignment, students will also be asked to share their knowledge with the rest of the class. In particular, a 2-3 minute presentation will be made (with instructor providing question prompts) that provides a summary of the blueprint highlights (i.e., key aspects of the service delivery process) and includes an overhead (or overheads) of the actual blueprint. (If you intend on using PowerPoint to display your blueprint, you will need to submit, preferably via an e-mail message with an attached file, an electronic version of the presentation overheads to the instructor 24 hours prior to the assignment due date.)

Due Date

This assignment is due on November 28. You should turn in both the blueprint and the paper, and you will be expected to be present during the next few classes in order to share your blueprint with your classmates.


